Crazy, but absolutely fantastic! I LOVE that it is Summer. I LOVE the warm weather, and the swimming, and tank tops, flip flops, parades, fireworks, snow cones, and ice cream trucks! And especially I love that Jon and Aiden are out of school. It has been so AWESOME to have them home. And now that I am only working 3 days a week I can spend even more time with them.
The next month is going to be so much fun! In 10 days I am going with some friends to the midnight release of Eclipse! Then turning around the next morning and seeing it again. I know, I am crazy! Then comes the 4th of July which is one of my favorite Holidays. We are also going to Lagoon in July. Then camping, and hopefully more trips to the aquatic center! So as you can tell, we have one jam packed, fun filled summer planned! Yay!
14 years ago