Sunday, August 2, 2009

What's Your Opinion?

I'm just curious what other people think of Aiden's hair. Short, or Long? I myself like it long. But I want to know, what's your opinion? I also find it amazing how fast kids can change. The pic with his short hair was only taken back in April! Then one with long hair was taken today. He looks so much older, I want to cry.


Marly said...

Sorry, I didn't leave a comment because I didn't really have an opinion :) It sounded like you already knew what you liked.
I personally keep my kids hair really short but I'm lazy that way and I don't have to comb it :) Which reminds me, I need to cut my 5 years olds hair.....

Nisa and Colby said...

I like the short, but the long is cute too!

WendyL said...

I like the short's definitely more handsome and not so bad-boy!

Sorry I didn't make it to your party...I wanted to come but I had to work Saturday night. I'm sure it was a blast.

Darci said...

i like it long- same with kyson too- kaden is more of a short hair guy. it just depends on the face and personality...